Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Auto workers will suspend a program that paid workers for no work, and let companies delay health-care payments

From the business week article from this link

Now you really got to be kidding me... According to the article, workers retain 85% of their salaries while laid off. Wow, I would love to retain 85% of my salary while laid off and I could go do a little moonlighting and really start double dipping (being double paid).

I personally own three Toyotas and a Honda. And I am damn proud of it. As what I said earlier, what needs to happen is for these companies to fail (or at least one of them) and whatever is left of the American auto makers will get their fecal matter together.

Well, I think they will eventually fail sooner or later. If they don't, they will become like incompetent government workers. Or government workers will be like incompetent auto workers. Or it will be like a marriage in hell. Who knows...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Fed is determined to fight deflation

Wow... after all these trees getting killing and reports are emerging out as deflation is our economic issue now.

Now does this make any sense to you? If the government is pumping TRILLIONS of dollars into the market and expects the foreigners to sop up additional American debt. As I mentioned before, China is dumping over 600 Billion into their own infrastructure and President Obama is trumping China with 700 Billion into their own infrastructure.

My bet is on GOLD. As I tell my buddies that if the government gets tight about the money supply (which they wont) I am totally screwed because it will bring the price of gold down. On top of this, it actually may bring deflation back into the game because no credit would revolve around the market, and our debts would cost more so the government would not want that.

At least the bright side of a devalued currency is that it would not provide as much incentive to ship our jobs overseas (and I am betting my ass that Obama would push to get our currency devalued).

Here is an interesting video that I stumbled on to...