Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why we suck (My version) - and what we can do about it

This is my own version of explaining why we suck, and what we can do about it

Dr. Denis Leary has written a book on it, an intresting review can be found at here.

My explanation in four words. We are friggin lazy.

Here is why:

1. Many of our kids are too lazy to work themselves through college.

It's probably because of the mentality of America's culture that it is the parent's obligation to put the kids through college. I call bullshit on this and I am not paying a dime for my step-son's college. But I am helping out by allowing him to live rent-free at home as long as he needs while completing college. My mentality on this is that if you put your own skin in the program, you will pass.

Why is it many of those kids who get a free ride through their parents end up partying in school and barely pass their classes and end up being total schlubs in the workforce. I was watching the Dave Ramsey show the other day and he said that he would rather hire the person who worked their way through college over the person who has 6 degrees and never worked a day in their life. I would take it step further, I would take the military veteran over any of the three because the military veteran is more likely to have the discipline and knows to handle life's everyday bullshit.

2. China will be the next superpower of the world.

Newsflash: America's shit does stink like everyone else's shit, and the world does not revolve around America. If you want to find out, just travel around
the world. Since the typical American is too damn lazy to do the heavy lifting, they send the work overseas to do it, so all the Americans do is just consume and blow up the national debt. For example: the housing market, low savings rate, the inability of the typical American to manage their own money (I am surprised a financial analyst is actually a profession), and above all, the stupidity of the typical American to get excited about a 401K without analyzing how a 401K works.

*In summary all a 401K is a savings account that you cannot tap until you are 59 1/2 and don't pay taxes on it until you withdrawal from it. Your employer
may contribute if they wish, and it is typically in an account with hefty service fees that you don't see)

Why will China be the next superpower? First of all, they value education. It has been in their blood since the ancient proverb days where scholars are respected above all (instead of Oprah and Brangelina). You every hear about the stereotypes that some asian kid getting crap from their parents with a "A-" in class? All I got to say is that stereotypes are based on reality. So in a nutshell, there are about a Billion people in China and they are ready to make their presence.

Another reason why China will be the next superpower? Their economy. They are a nation of savers and their nation is in a state of growth. They are going
to spend a good 600 billion on their infrastructure as a economic stimulus. And what do we spend our bailout money on? Bear Stearns, AIG, Bank of America,
Citi, and who knows what else... At least China gets something in return for their investment that could pay off dividends.

So who is pulling the weight in our nation? My answer is besides the few Americans who do, it is the Asians. So share a success story of a recent immigrant who has been living in America since 2001. In 2001, she barely spoke a lick of english, in her early 20's, and barely had a clue on how things are in America. Now, she owns her business, owns a house that is PAID OFF, bought a lexus in CASH, speaks perfect english (probably better than some people who
speaks English as their first language), and has a large rainy day fund in the bank. Too add insult to injury, she still does not have a high school diploma.

Here is a link of Chinese educational attitudes

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