Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bailing the automakers

First of all, I have no clue what in the hell the senate is doing to bail out the automakers and what for. Have you seen the latest crap that the American automakers has put out on the market lately?

This is exhibit A, the Chevy Uplander. Now doesnt that look like a piece of fecal matter. Would you spend at least a good $25,000 on this product that is supposed to be the heartbeat of America?

Exhibit B, the united auto workers. Aint these bunch of morons a liability to the big three? These MORONS are making an average of about $70/hour (according to the Detroit free press). That is nearly TWICE as much as I make and I am a skilled network security engineer. I hereby excercise my freedom to vote with my wallet and I will NEVER buy any American automobile.

I really think the big three needs to become the bankrupt three. Someone will eventually buy them out, get rid of UAW and whatever unions are anchoring the company. From there, it will have a hope of becoming a great company as it once was back in the 50's and 60's. Until then, I think American made cars are the laughing stock until they get their fecal matter together.

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