Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Big Three auto CEOs flew private jets to kiss ass to congress for taxpayer money

Now this really amuses me, The bankrupt three are about to run out of gas and guess how they start kissing ass to congress for money? By flying a PRIVATE JET. Now if they had any faith in the products they sell, wouldn't you think they at least drive in a GM/Ford/Chrysler car? I am sure they have an extra SUV or two laying around somewhere.

Congress: go ahead, make my day... Bail these idiots out. Let's waste more money on the bankrupt three, and whoever fills out a bailout application. I bet my entire portfolio on it that you will bail everyone out. I mean ALL IN, like world series of poker ALL IN. Now if you schmucks actually got your fecal matter together, I'll be trouble and I may need a bailout myself.

Bankrupt Three Bailout

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