Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Several billion here, Several billion there, now it's billions everywhere...

This is from today's Marketwatch article:

Fed unveils $800 billion plan to bolster lending, housing

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- With financial markets still not working smoothly two months after almost shutting down, the Federal Reserve unveiled further steps Tuesday aimed at lowering borrowing costs for consumers and home buyers.

This one is beyond me, The fed has to kiss ass to congress to approve a $700 billion bailout package, but how in the hell do they go and pull $800 billion out of their asses and start lending them to the public? I thought that "we the people" would have a say in this... Does this at least have to go through congress? What in the hell is going on???

Now with at least 1.5 TRILLION dollars (and that is not even counting about the billions here and there that they dumped in the market in the beginning of the sub-prime mess) there has got to be some inflation kicking in sooner or later... Check the current currencies, the dollar is losing strength again...

It is interesting that the whole mess of this sub-prime mortgage mess and housing blow up is that banks expanded their lending pool to SUB PRIME borrowers. Would you personally lend someone who has an unstable job or financially irresponsible money? Well during this whole housing bubble, the banks were lending money to those MORONS. I don't believe it's the moron's fault, it's mainly the bank's fault for taking stupid risks to lend to those morons and the banks should get burnt by it. Now the Fed wants to commandeer and lend to those same morons to somehow bail the economy out. Basically what is going to happen is those same morons will eventually default again and the taxpayer will end up with the bill. Again.

My solution to this whole mess is simple. If the incumbent politician voted for the bailout bill (regardless of party), vote against that person. If not, vote for that person. Simple as that.

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