Thursday, November 20, 2008

Market breaks below the 8000 barrier

For some time I was saying that the DJIA will eventually be dumped to somewhere between the range of 2000 and 4000. Back then, people just laughed at me and thought I was smoking a little too much Maui Wowie.

My original prediction was that the DJIA will bounce from the 8000 level and go back up to the 10000 level. It didnt really go to the 10000 level, but I would say about 9500 for it's high is close enough. I am basically going by the classic "head and shoulders" theory along with my bearish stance due to the overleveraged debt that our country is in.

Now my theory actually is actually coming through. The dow is at 7552 and is on a nasty downward spiral. This recession is not any normal recession, it is the result of the government trying to avoid the previous recessions with over inflating the money supply by making it dirt cheap to borrow. The lesson here is that recessions are normal and it needs to happen, everything goes in cycles and when you F*ck with it, it will eventually F*ck you in the ass when the bubble of the cycle pops. In this case, it is the financial bubble from the "creative financial engineering" that has occured during the last 20 years or so. Eventually people will run out of money and will have to pay the piper and he is coming to either collect or play the repo man.

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